Saturday 3 September 2011

life back to Taiwan

It's been morer than 2 months since coming back from Germany. It's somehow weird but fine. To my surprise, I'm doing quite good. I had had around one month holidays before the school started. It was really difficult at first at school as a result of knowing no one. I was so scared. Whenever thinking of hoe hard I must study in the future, I cried. Remember hearing the principal's speech, I cry alone among 48 girls in my class. No one knew what to do. Things changed surprisingly after a week. People started to talk to me, not consider me as a stranger in class. I, anyway, still hate to go to school, from 7:15 to 16:00. I hardly have time for myself. I can consider my senior high as study study and study. I got the 6th place on the first mid-term exam this semester in my class which made me a bit more self-confident. I was really afraid I've forgotten everything after a year without really studying something. However, I think I'm going to take the exam on the summer vacation for transforming to another senior high which I can study hard, play hard. That'd be the most important philosophy in my life. PLAY HARD, WORK HARD. I don't want to be a book worm.

After the first midterm exam, I had about  one week free. That was still a busy week for me. On the first day and the second day, I needed to take an exchange student from Spain, Alex out. I took him to Chain- Kai Shek memorial hall for the first day. And then, we visited the Egyptian exhibition. It was alright but tiring. In the afternoon, I showed him a bit Ximen, the cinema park and the cinema street. After that, I went to school for a little check-up which we did every year. I let Alex stay in Carrefour. I think he was kind of tired that he stayed at Starbucks the whole time. In the evening, we went to Shilin night market which is famous for a tourism spot. We went home at probably 18:30 because we were both exhausted after walking the whole day. The next day, I decided to make a less tiring trip, so we went to Shinyi District where people named Manhattan in Taiwan. We went there for the most famous movie in teens' world in Taiwan "You are the apple in my eye". I think it's a good movie without a lot of action.  We had lunch and then we went to the top of Taipei 101 which was a part I didn't really want to do because it was expensive and not impressing enough for this price. After that, we went to the bookstore named Page one. It's a big and famous book store. It was on sale. I was so happy and excited because of a lot of cheap books also ones in English. I bought 3 books in English. We spent anyway too long there. Then I thought we  had better go. Otherwise, we'd be late for the welcome party tonight. No, I meant I'd be late due to needing to be there earlier to prepare things. Anyway, I'll post another article to tell what comes the next soon. It's been an article way bit too long.

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