Wednesday 6 April 2011

So ist das Leben

So I don't want to talk about the annoying thing. That's life. We search and then we can find a good way to lead our lives. Through the time, we're clearer and clearer. We know the way to be better we find the way to be stronger, don't we? The answer is yes, we do. We won't force people to do the same thing as we think, but we most of time we make ourselves to be cooperated to the others.

These days with the new family are quite good. I'm glad that we are all able to get to know our host families before living with them. I like all of my host siblings! They are all so sweet.

There's a thing I must say. I'm proud of myself. The piano course yesterday was good... It has been such a long time I don't really practice something... I'm so lazy these days. Starting playing Memory, it's difficult. I need more practice.

I think I'm going to Rotaract tomorrow...

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