Friday 1 April 2011

lazy lazy and lazy

So I've already skipped one day...'s always like that. After some days, I've got no interests in doing the same things everyday. It's a bad bad habit...

Yesterday was the day I was afraid of, Bundesjugendspiel. I hate that. It's kind of sport day. In winter we have to do gymnastics and in summer we do some outside activities. We all learned gymnastic at school before. hmm... It was already hard for us what we'd learned at school In Germany, pupils do the gymnastics like 100 times more difficult than us. And they think it's not that difficult.Well... kind of ironic. However, I suffered it. No one laughed... I was so glad of it. I've always been sort of girl that really cares a lot a lot and I'm not able to change myself now and in the future...

I went to school today on time, but Herr Lenbach was not there. Then I went home again. I helped Ortwin a little bit and had longer breakfast. I think I didn't really do something special today. I got 3- in chemistry. Anyway, I don't really care. And I got 3- in Katagana test. I really think it's simply too difficult to remember so many symbols. Frau Hoffman had to give the marks to the students in Bundesjugendspiel, so we had the last 2 hours free. I went home packed and made my room a little bit cleaner...

I decided to buy some chocolate to put in my package because there was still a little bit spaces in the package . Ortwin drove me to the supermarket on the way Sammy had hip-hop lessons. Some minutes before we drove away, Fible talked to me. He asked me if I like him or not. Well... I'm sure there was someone who said something ironic or stupid or he bet with someone. That was why he asked me. Well... I told him I don't know. The reason is because it's difficult to discover you like someone or not. And because of the last relationship, I decided to not like someone easily. I mean I always want someone to be there to talk to me like him, but I don't want any relationship. That's too hard... I'm the one who always worries too much, cares too much. However, it's just too complicating to last relationship. Another reason is I don't want to be hurt again, so I can have someone who's close to me. The one who falls in love first is the loser. Simply, I don't want to lose the love game. I can have kind of open relationship, but I'm not able to have a real relationship now. And however, we can't only talk about that online.
The rule of the love game is DO NOT FALL IN LOVE AT FIRST!
After going to the supermarket, we met each other at 18:00 in Panda Chinese restaurant next by Hotel Braun. We were there to celebrate the end of living in this host family, kind of farewell. I feel glad! I really love them! I love the whole family! And then I went directly to Rotaract meeting in Hotel Braun. The theme today was also not so impressing... however, finally I got the chance to say a little bit things right now took courage to do it. It wasn't that hard. There was a new woman with blond hair. I think she's beautiful. Her name's Janina. We went to the new Italian restaurant in Schillerhain everyone together then. Janina drove me there. We talked a little. She's actually really nice. It wasn't embarrassing at all. You won't know how embarrassing it is to sit in the car alone without talking. I like her. She lives in Goellheim and offered to drive me home. She also mentioned she can also pick me up in Langmeil and drive me home, so it won't be the last time I go to Rotaract! SUCH A NICE WOMAN!
The day is over and over again and again... faster and faster again...

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